Buying a Home

Home. It's the most important purchase you'll ever make. As an experienced agent, I understand the difference between buying a house and finding your home. Let me show you how to make the process smooth and trouble-free.

The Home Buying Process

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Before You Buy

Preparation is key when purchasing a property. From down payments and mortgage prequalification to understanding the type of home that will meet your needs and satisfy your wants, I can make sure your financial ducks are in a row and your expectations are grounded in reality when preparing to buy.

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The Search

Selecting your perfect home will require research, expert guidance and knowledge of the local market, and you'll need to consider what it is you're looking for. I can help you find the place that fits your taste, your budget, and your lifestyle. I'm a home hunter's best friend.

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Making the Purchase

So, you've found the perfect home that meets all your criteria, from a great location to just the right square footage. As your trusted agent, I will guide you through the logistical — and emotional — challenges of the purchase process, to ensure you are in a solid position before you sign on the dotted line.

Find Out What You Can Afford

Click the button below to access a helpful loan calculator — just the tool you need to get a general idea of your home search budget. When the time is right, I can connect you with a trusted lender to begin the preapproval process — a critical first step toward making a smart, solid offer on your dream home.